Are you ready for some Dior Replica Handbags, hun? Today, wea€?re giving you the Mini Be Dior Flap Bag in Baby Blue! An amazing pastel color, you might say, but if it comes in three-tone calfskin, it only means business as usual for the luxury brand who started it all. Soft colors are ideal for most outfit ideas, however dainty or streamlined you may want your look to come together. Let the Be Dior be your guide!
The Be Dior has a modern silhouette thata€?s both supple and structured an urban piece paired-off with an ultra-feminine take on the design. It features a contrasting effect due to three fabulous design elements: its Replica Bags a€?smooth calfskin finish, its Orange Abricot?? details and Gris Titanium handle.
Since it also has an adjustable strap, you can wear it multiple ways as a crossbody, over your shoulders, as an arm accessory or with your hands.
Measuring 20cm x 16.5cm x 11cm, you can get your very own Baby Blue Mini Be Dior Flap Bag exclusively via Dior boutiques.