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Well, what do we have here? Another funky piece from the master himself, Prada Replica Handbags! Some weeks ago, we featured Karl and his collaboration with Tiffany Cooper, which was a whimsical take on his imagined life with his feline companion Choupette. As evidenced by that collection, he was fearless enough in giving a childlike take on his persona.

Now, wea€?re seeing a similar caricature in the form of the Candle Karl, another creative pursuit by no other than the man himself, Lagerfeld, which was materialized in collaboration with John-Paul Welton. The collection of fragrance candles were launched in 2013, and wea€?re going to see more of these babies come fall.

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The Candle Karl calls some attention to the Chanel creative directora€?s trademark white collar (seen at the candlea€?s base) and sunglasses. It has a woody fragrance, which is perfect for any home. Getting a whiff out of this candle is like getting Karl Lagerfeld himself, gracing your abode with a wonderful scent.

The Replica Handbags will be priced at around $350 USD. Watch out for this soon!